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Haifa: The Up and Coming Spot in Israel

Teach in haifa

The third-largest city in Israel and the capital of Israel’s North – the beautiful and diverse city of Haifa.  Situated on the slopes of Mount Carmel, the evergreen mountain, is termed the ‘San Francisco of Israel’ with its steep streets and unrivaled views of the Mediterranean Sea.  Although sometimes overshadowed by its rivals Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Haifa has such unique features, atmosphere, and vibe, it stands out as a truly unique city in the Israeli landscape.

Today it is a unique testament to co-living for Israel’s three religions, its variety of sights, from the  exemplary Bahai Gardens overlooking the whole city, to the colors of the beaches and the bay, innovation at its best in both academic facilities industrial park, and finally everything you’d like to see as part of a hip night scene in Haifa’s restaurants, clubs, and streets.

City of Innovation

Over the last few years, Haifa has emerged as a leader in technology and innovation. Israel’s leading education facilities, The Technion and Haifa University, forge the way in research and produce top-level engineers and business-oriented professionals.  There are two high-tech incubators and the Matam Industrial Park. This Park is home to Intel, Google, Microsoft and quite a few more high-tech icons. A great source of jobs for Americans in Israel.

Israel’s Institute of Technology, The Technion, is the ‘MIT of Israel’ and is the driving force behind the entrepreneurial spirit of the country. It sits on top Haifa’s hills.  Innovative ideas trickle down to better Israel and the world. Students work hard and play hard, acing exams and changing the world by day and lighting up Haifa’s festive nightlife by night.

The people of Haifa are its power, home to several thousands of science, tech,  and design students. A great potential workforce to build productive companies and initiatives.  Current start-up companies like BreezeoMeter, MindOLife, Augury are benefiting from the current high-tech boom in Haifa’s tech entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The fantastic bay views, proximity to Israel’s national park, and moderate housing pricing are a true magnet for people seeking alternatives.  Known today as a ‘hipster city’, these along with neighborhoods full of small clubs, a ray of cafes and bars, dance clubs lined along streets full of beautiful graffitied wall murals attract people that are interested in both academia, work but enjoy the lax and inviting lifestyle Haifa has to offer.

Teaching English in Israel

Americans looking to intern, as MITF fellows, can definitely choose Haifa as a top location to settle and find jobs teaching English to Israelis.  You will be able to teach elementary school kids, connect to the community, enjoy the views and the beach and top off the day, or night, with a drink on the chill sidewalks of the city.